Monday, June 22, 2020

Body Shaming Speech

 SHAMING SPEECH Hello, I'm a human and today I'm here to inform you about body shaming and what it does to people's self esteem . Did you ever stop and think about how often we are told to change our appearance? Magazines constantly offer tips about how to lose weight , appear slimmer instantly, and hide our “imperfections”. Magazines are really bad at this. Every model we see is so skinny it looks like they are starving…..which they probably are. I mean how could I or even one of the All Black Ferns Women's Rugby team, even possibly look like one of these spaghetti noodles. How could one of these rugby players buy the clothes being modelled , and fit them. Do you think they would feel bad about not fitting these fashion clothes ? There are some of the ways people body shame Criticizing your own appearance, through a judgement or comparison to another person. ….. Like when I'm looking at someone, I think I need to look like them or I’m not good enough. Criticizing another person's appearance in front of them. And criticizing another person without their knowledge . It can lead to a vicious cycle of unnecessary judgement and criticism. Which makes the person feel bad about them self Bodyshaming can lower our self esteem , when we hear people or know of people talking about others or ourselves in a negative way , our brains instantly tell us to change or hide away because people don't like the way we look . Sometimes body shaming can lead to depression or sometimes become suicidal. Some celebrities such as Billie Eilish have come out about this issue and talked to people about it . That's why she wears big baggy clothes. I quote, “I mean, that’s why I wear big, baggy clothes. Nobody can have an opinion because they haven’t seen what’s underneath, Nobody can be like, ‘Oh, she’s slim-thick, she’s not slim-thick, she’s flat , she’s got a fat (butt). No one can say any of that, because they don’t know.” yes she said that herself . We shouldn't have to hide away from ourselves because we are worried about what people are going to say Iv had friends that go through this all the time and they get called and told all sorts of things like “eat less” and “whitey’ and “ obece”. It shouldn't happen . And remember body shaming could be as simple as saying you need to eat more or less . or just saying something in a way that they might consider nasty . In conclusion , body shaming isn't nice people, so just don't do it, you wouldn't like it if people did it to you would? you so don't do it to others . Thank you for listening to my speech .


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