Friday, May 18, 2018

sea salp report

Sea salp

Hi my name is jade and today i will be telling you about sea salps

Sea Salps appear in vast numbers in late spring in the waters around New Zealand.

They feed on the abundant zooplankton and grow rapidly. They can grow from 1 cm to 10 cm in length and Salps also consume phitoplankton and bacteria that are at the bottom of the food chain. Salps are often either avoided or a prey of last resort for predators such as fish due to their low nutritional value.

Swarms of salps may dominate the upper 200 metres of the ocean. Often individuals join together in chains up to 10 metres long. Salps form an important part of the diet of many deep-sea and coastal fish species such as kahawai , hoke , and birds. Salps are the main diet of some fish species, but have also been found in the stomach of albatrosses and seals. Such species probably eat salps only when their main food supplies are out

Here are a few videos that you can watch to learn more about the sea salps

And that is what a sea salp is,what they eat ,and what eats them thank you, by

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